Reversed Loops in UE4

May 23, 2016·
Akbolat Sadvakassov
Akbolat Sadvakassov
· 1 min read

Hi-hi! In previous post I showed how to add Delay support in loops. In this we’ll go further and will add reverse mode to ForLoop and ForEachLoop.

As I wrote here, we create any loop, double click on it and UE4 opens StandartMacros blueprint. Then, copy everything inside EventGraph and paste it into Macro inside your blueprint.

Keep in mind, that modified loop, works only inside blueprint, where its created.

Settings for ForLoop:

Replaced condition from “<=” to “>=” and instead “+1” set “-1″

Replaced condition from “<=” to “>=” and instead “+1” set “-1″

Named as ReversedForLoop

Named as ReversedForLoop

And now ForEachLoop:

We use ForLoop inside of it, it means, that we can replace it with ForLoopWithDelay

We use ForLoop inside of it, it means, that we can replace it with ForLoopWithDelay



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