Overwatch Tracer's blink ability in UE4, p.2

Jun 12, 2016·
Akbolat Sadvakassov
Akbolat Sadvakassov
· 3 min read

We’ve done with first ability in the previous post, now let’s take a look at second.


Instead of 3 seconds, I made 5(Wiki)

Instead of 3 seconds, I made 5(Wiki)

In this tutorial we’ll return only our position. Ammo and health are the same.

First we need variables.

  1. Integer BacktrackCount – current number of “jumps”. Equal 1.
  2. Integer MaxBacktrackCount – maximum number. Too equal 1.
  3. Array Transform Positions – an array, where we’ll store out Location, Rotation and Scale( it doesn’t need in this case).

And functions:

  • CanBacktrack? – check, if it’s available.
  • DecrementBacktrack
  • ReloadingBack

Tracer can use second ability at any time, except when it’s reloading, it means that we need to store Character’s location and rotation every miliseconds.

For this purpose instead of EventTick, make following trick – BeginPlay, Sequence and Delay. These triple nodes the same as EventTick, but we can control its triggering(Delay’s param called Duration), set it equal 0.04. So the picture above means, that we call a sequence of nodes every 0.04 seconds – store Character’s Vector coords (GetActorLocation) and Rotator coords(GetControlRotation) to our array Positions. Then check count of elements in array, if it’s more that 125(I wrote below), we remove an element at 0 index. When it removes other elements shifts to “-1” position, i.e. element at 1 index shifts to 0; at 2 shifts to 1, etc.

Why did I take 125 in condition? Because these nodes triggers every 0.04 seconds and in 1.0 second it can write 25 values to array. Therefore 125 values in 5 seconds.

Now bind all logic to E key.

In first, check condition CanBacktrack?, if True decrement charges DecrementBacktrack, then set timer to call ReloadingBacktrack function with 8 sec Loop. Second we extract stored values from custom Loop, every element disassemble via BreakTransform to Location/Rotation and connect it to SetActorLocation/SetControlRotation. Third clear an array.

There is custom Loop, that supports Delay and iterates in reverse order. More about it you can read here and here. How it looks inside:

At this point, you’ve done with Second Ability.

Visual FX.

To make it a bit similar as in Overwatch, will add HUD with charges for first skill and effect with PostProcess for second skill.

Create a Widget Blueprint, name it as WD_Blink:

Open it and create three Image widget at the center

In Details/Appearance, for each of widget(starting from the top), on line Color and Opacity open drop-down menu Bind and click Create Binding.

To be sure, that each of widgets set at the center, place it Anchor to the center too

To be sure, that each of widgets set at the center, place it Anchor to the center too

Once you click CreateBinding, will opened usual EventGraph and functions named GetColorAndOpacity_0

For each of function make next logic with some difference

Green mark for each function

Green mark for each function

To attach widget, open FirstPersonHUD(Blueprints folder) and add next:

Set WD_Blink in Class param.


Open Viewport and add PostProcess in Components:

In Details, set settings as in the picture in PostProcessVolume tab

Click to open pic. There is checkbox Enabled – make it unchecked

Click to open pic. There is checkbox Enabled – make it unchecked

Place PostProcess to EventGraph and set its boolean SetEnabled in two places:

After SetTimerByFunctionName and Clear. Look at checkboxes

After SetTimerByFunctionName and Clear. Look at checkboxes

Now test it. Cheers!

It’s a mirror from WebArchive